Bioinformatic analysis
We provide signal and metabolism pathway analysis and bioinformatics analysis with known databases.
Provide bioinformatics of metabolism and signaling pathway analysis
Working day not including delivery time: 1-2 weeks
Metabolic & Signaling pathway analysis
(a) Sample type: Quantitative data of genomic or proteomic analysis
(b) Platform: Please contact us for further details.
Customized database searching
(a) Sample type: MS raw data, Processed MS data (mzML, mzXML, mgf)
(b) Platform: Please contact us for further details.
Please click the link below for the specification of Proteomics service
Sample requirement
Metabolic & Signaling pathway analysis
(1) Summary report. pdf
(2) Differential protein/pathway analysis report. xlsx
Customized database searching
(1) Summary report. pdf
(2) Protein-peptide report. xlsx